What’s the first question you have when you think of solar power? How solar power works? Will it work here in Ohio, Indiana or Kentucky? Solar power can seem complex, but it doesn’t have to be. We like to say it’s simple: the sun hits your solar panels, they produce energy, you use that energy in your home and you save a lot of money.

But we understand that you probably have more questions about this energy source that’s now powering more than a million homes in the United States. Questions like: do panels work at night? Do panels work when it’s cloudy? Well, it’s our job at Icon Solar to answer all these questions for you.

First and foremost, solar panels create energy from the sun. Solar panels contain silicon, WandaSidebarChocolatewhich is activated and turned into an electrical current when hit by sunlight. Each panel is connected to an inverter that absorbs this current and transforms it into clean energy you can then use in your home. By using the energy your solar panels create, you’re not pulling from the utility company’s grid, which means more money in your pocket and less money spent on your electric bill.

You may ask, will it work in this region? That is a definite yes. Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky average between 4.2 and 4.7 peak hours of sun per day on an annual basis. Compare that to Florida: solar power is prevalent in the Sunshine State, where they get five peak hours of sun per day. Those comparable peak hours of sunlight make solar an incredibly viable and sound investment in our region. In fact, Ohio is ranked as 23rd in the country in installed solar capacity, with enough to power 14,000 homes. Plus, this capacity is expected to increase six times over the next five years.

That’s all great, but what if your house doesn’t get that much sun or isn’t south facing? The answer is that solar will still work for you. Installing solar panels on the south-facing side of the roof is optimal positioning, but Icon Solar’s team can work with you to manipulate shading, tilt and orientation to build the most efficient system for you.

Now you’re probably wondering about those not-so-sunny days, right? Although direct sunlight will provide the highest energy production and output, even on cloudy, rainy and just downright gloomy days, your solar panels will still work and you will still have power. However, at night, solar panels do not produce any energy. But, you are still hooked up to your utility company’s grid so you will not be without power. The switch from solar to utility is seamless, you will have no power interruptions and you won’t even notice when the switch happens.

I’m sure I answered a few of your questions about how solar power works, but I also know you may have more questions. It’s time to give us a call!

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