Dear Wanda,

How do I know my house is right for solar?

Mr. Unsure


Dear Mr. Unsure,

Though Icon Solar briefly discusses the matter of whether your house can be solarized on the website, I, Wanda your Wealth Warrior, wanted to clarify a few things including sun exposure and restrictions.


Icon Solar gets a lot of questions about roofs. Immediately many people offer up the size of their house or roof space when talking to them. It’s not so much that as your electric usage in determining the size of your system. The pitch and the direction of the roof also are important. South-facing roofs will get the most sun exposure, and East-West will provide plenty of sun, especially in the morning, when panels operate more efficiently at a cooler temperature.


Like most others, Icon Solar and I love trees (after all, Mother Nature is my best friend)! Sometimes, though, trees get in the way of solar energy production, blocking the sun’s view of your house or business! The perfect solar location will have no trees in sight, but sometimes people have emotional attachments to trees. A tree might be old, or the family grew up with the tree. (Maybe someday I’ll show you photos of when I was a kid on a tire swing.) If you don’t have an attachment to your trees, consider regular trimming or removal. Solar can deal with shading up to a point, especially with our micro-inverter systems. If you’re going to be purchasing a solar system, Icon Solar wants you to get the most out of it. Besides, an average solar installation equates to planting about 50 trees on an annual basis, so you don’t have to feel bad about cutting a few down!

Home Owners Associations (HOAs)

Members of a Home Owners Association (HOA) will need to ask if they can install solar on their house. Some HOAs block solar because they think the solar panels are aesthetically unappealing. However, some HOAs allow solar in the back of the house, and some even promote it. Find out where your HOA stands on solar, and if you need Icon Solar to help you appeal to your HOA, don’t hesitate to ask! We choose panels that are sleek and modern, and our architect designs your array to blend into your roof as best as possible.

After assessing your roof and any possible restrictions, give Icon Solar a call or submit a request for a consultation on the website. Hope that answers your question, Mr. Unsure.





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