The 30 percent solar tax credit does not apply to non-profits, and most grants for non-profits to purchase solar are no longer operating. However, a few remain at the federal, state, and city levels. Some are even offered by your utility company. Here are a few grants for non-profits still in operation.

Federal or National Non-Profit Grants

There are two federal solar grant applications for non-profits. Apply for a federal grant at the Federal Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE) through an appropriate FOA. The Energy Foundation and Surdna Foundation also have grantee programs in which you must be invited to participate. Other funding opportunity databases like Foundation Center and GuideStar may have renewable energy grants available for your non-profit.

A rising number of crowdsourcing opportunities for solar are popping up. Most notably is RE-volv and Gridshare.

Ohio Non-Profit Grants

American Electric Power (AEP) has set up the AEP Foundation for regional grants intended to support the following:

  • Improving lives through education from early childhood through higher education.
  • Providing basic human services in the areas of hunger, housing, health and safety.
  • Protecting the environment.
  • Enriching the quality of life in our communities through art, music and cultural heritage.

Indiana Non-Profit Grants

American Electric Power (AEP) has set up the AEP Foundation for regional grants intended to support the following:

  • Improving lives through education from early childhood through higher education.
  • Providing basic human services in the areas of hunger, housing, health and safety.
  • Protecting the environment.
  • Enriching the quality of life in our communities through art, music and cultural heritage.

Kentucky Non-Profit Grants

Central Indiana Community Foundations is offering a non-profit grant, open July 1-31, 2018. Check out their criteria before applying.

American Electric Power (AEP) has set up the AEP Foundation for regional grants intended to support the following:

  • Improving lives through education from early childhood through higher education.
  • Providing basic human services in the areas of hunger, housing, health and safety.
  • Protecting the environment.
  • Enriching the quality of life in our communities through art, music and cultural heritage.


You can review other grant or loan programs at Indiana’s OED website, Ohio State University’s Energize Ohio website, and DSIRE. Icon Solar stays on top of available incentives and when they’re being taken away.



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