Are you ready to learn about the many benefits of Solar Power?

We invite you to read our many blog articles about Solar Power, Solar Energy, and Solar Panel Installation. We explore both the benefits and reasons that many people are making the jump to solar. Whether you are a homeowner or business owner, we've got something for you, so read on!

‘Tis the season for home improvement shows at convention centers and meeting spaces around the country! […]
Whether you’re thinking about getting solar panels or already have a home solar system, you want […]
You’ve done your research and know when it comes to state-of-the-art solar panel technology, Icon Solar […]
Let us tell you a story that may make you think differently about a major money-saving […]
“I don’t think I’ll live in my home long enough to see the benefit of solar […]
Let us start where it all began (and you’ll have to read to the end to […]
Dear Wanda, I’ve lived in Cincinnati for a long time. On a recent trip to California, […]
You already know going solar saves you money, but you may still wonder exactly how much. […]
Dear Wanda, I’m thinking about installing solar by the end of the year, so I can […]
“What if I move?” “I don’t think I’ll stay in this home long enough to get […]