Ask Wanda: I’m ready to install solar power, but I expect I’ll be selling my home and moving to another one in the next few years. Is this even worth my money to do now, or should I wait until I’m in my next house?  

Dear Making Moves, 

When it comes to solar, there is no time like the present. It’s as simple as asking the question, “Do I want to start saving now or wait a while?” Why wouldn’t you want to start saving immediately on your electricity bill? 

An investment in solar power is unique from other home renovations because you start seeing savings before your house is even sold. Moving is expensive and those monthly savings would certainly be useful when it comes to moving truck costs or new furniture in your future residence! 

Solar panels also make your house more marketable. Imagine you are looking at two very similar houses, yet one has solar panels, meaning you’ll only pay pennies for your electricity. I can see what way you’re leaning already! Of course, you’d be willing to dish out a little more for these unlimited savings. 

 Wondering how much solar panels could increase the value of your home? Check it out here! Wondering where to start your solar journey? Call us at 513-396-9777! 



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